Art and Design
At Saxon Primary School the Art curriculum is designed to support children in expressing their individuality through taught skills. Our curriculum has been designed so that children will be building on their skills to create artworks using a range of media each year, including working with: charcoal, paints, cameras, watercolours, clay, paper, fabric, tie dye and chalk.
We value Art as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum and throughout their 7-year journey, children will be exposed to artwork from a range of artists, including from different periods, styles and cultures. Our school’s Learning Habits and 5Rs of Learning are developed through conversations about these artists and their artworks. Children are encouraged to not only value each piece of artwork created within the classroom but to also engage critically with peers when reviewing their own and other’s finished pieces. Our Art curriculum supports children at Saxon with developing a passion for Art and provides them with opportunities to communicate their ideas, feelings and opinions through various media.